Websites with better page load speed lead to a better interactions with the brand and more conversions.
Simple facts about website performance & speed and its effect on the leads or sales. If your website takes too long to load it will have direct affect with sales, leads and revenue.
This is how you lose with a slow website:
- If your website delays 1 second then your conversion will drop more than 7%.
- 40% of the people abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load.
Imagine your website has 1000 unique visitors a month with page load of 3 seconds. This means
- You lose 400 visitors immediately, people leave without even seeing the landing page.
- For the remaining 600 visitors, your conversion rate is too low.
This simply means almost no signups, no calls, no emails, no leads, no purchases.
From the other side Google has been considering page load speed time for its search algorithm. Search engine users don’t like slow sites and as a result search engines such as Google don’t rank slow websites highly in the search results? By having a faster website, you will add a strong SEO ranking factor to your website.
This service will include:
Compress Stylesheets (CSS) files
Compress Javascripts files
Cache the site
Compress text files
Optimize images
Hosting change (If it is necessary)